Xiao Hong Shu (小红书) or Little Red Book (RED) is one of the largest social commerce platforms in China, founded in 2013, has raised over $400M+ and is expected to file for its public offering for $10B+. It boasts of over 450M+ users of which over 70% are born in 90s. Can information first platforms build a successful commerce platform? Let’s do a deep dive on RED.
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$10B Social E-commerce Platform from China…
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Xiao Hong Shu (小红书) or Little Red Book (RED) is one of the largest social commerce platforms in China, founded in 2013, has raised over $400M+ and is expected to file for its public offering for $10B+. It boasts of over 450M+ users of which over 70% are born in 90s. Can information first platforms build a successful commerce platform? Let’s do a deep dive on RED.